La Traviata
Well we made it to Verona to see La Traviata at the Arena. It was amazing. I felt just like an ancient Veronese arriving for the show 3 hours standing in line waiting for the gates to open. Now they had all the fun. We had a blast with the people that were sitting around us. I will tell you that humor crosses all languages. What is funny will make any one laugh.
Let me tell you should have saw Gail push and shove her way in line to get through the gates. At one point there was this frail lady holding her husbands hand as he moved through the crowd like a master, however he never looked back as his wife was falling farther and father behind him.
Now, she was up in the front with Gail, and Gail being the helpful person that she is saw the woman slow losing her husband hand ( however he was pushing his way to the front) now she had a backpack on I saw gail grab a hole of the loop on the top of her back pack and physical lift her up two ancient steps closer to her husband. All I saw was Gail holding the back pack and the woman floating up the stairs. I though I was witnessing a miracle. As Gail lifted her the frail woman lost her balance and grabbed the ass woman in front of her. I only know this because she was wearing an orange stripped knit dress. This was just the start of our evening waiting for the opera to begin.

With Gail’s keen eye she spotted the perfect place to sit. it was the top level of the stone seats of the area. We had a stone seat and a stone back rest and as Martha Stewart would say “that’ s good thing”.

I loved the opera, but sitting in the area for 3 hours before the show started was the best. I know why the peasant class enjoyed it so much the food, the wine, the laughter.
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