Last night I took Gail, Konico my room-mate to my favorite restaurant Teatro Del Sale. The chief Guiditta Picchi has three restaurant on the corner of via dei Macci. Cibreo (food in italian) is the upper class restaurant, then there is a small place I can’t remember the name, then there is Teatro Del Sale.
Before you are allowed to go in you have to become a member-- you are given a list of member rules and you are asked you can follow them if your answer is yes you are given a membership card. Once you are a member the club serves 90 members per night in s family seating style. The night I took Gail and Konico we sat at a table (tavolo) with a group of women that only wanted to speak in Italian, the two women at the other end of the table warmed up to us ( two American and a Japaness young woman.

The dinner is amazing--- each course is announce by the chief and the food goes on from 7:30 until 9pm. At nine after dolce (sweet) you pick up your chair and move it to the front of the stage for the show. Now, I confess that I don’t understand much of what is said during the show , but I love hearing Italian spoken and some of it I understand with the help of an Italian sitting next to me.
Back to dinner-- the women we sat with were a blast. We talked about David (see past post) we laughed that no man can stand next to David and be proud--- all we can do is hope and dream ( I LOVED THEM) they had great question about what we actually did in Alaska, they knew about salmon but halibut blew their minds only because at that moment we were eating anchovies and they were very tiny and you know a halibut can weight a few hundred pounds.
The evening was great we talked ItaliJapanAmericano all night we laughed shared a great meal and made new friends.

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