OK ----I said that I was in love with Verona--- I am but I guess I have also fallen for the small town of Orvieto. Maybe it reminded me of Pittsburgh it’s friendly people and the Incline that taks you to the upper part of the city.
Did I say this in another post about how I love how Italians great each other during the day
buongiorno-- Good day
buonasera - good evening
buonanotte--- good night
What this does it make you acknowledge the person that you pass on the street--- you take the time to stop and say “Hey I see you”. I love this

Under the upper part of Orvieto is and underground city that the first settlers of dug out--- many of the tunnels lead to homes of current citizens
While I was in Orvieto walking and eating , I took the time to go visit the language school that I want to attend next year--- here is the only funny thing that happened the whole time I was there.
I checked out the school on the internet the location and how to get there I was told to take the B bus to Plaza Caldor. Some places have great signs and others do not.


Well when the last person was getting off the bus I showed the driver the address what I needed to get to---- he started talking fast and waving his hands I had no idea what he was saying----

We I walked across the street and there was the school---- I went in and introduced myself in my limited italian and told them that I had sent them and email and I wanted to see the school for next year. I was given a tour and we stopped in a classroom and the students were having fun--- I loved it.
After that I talked with the Schools Director in english/italian about my school in Florence and how I planed to continue working on my italian during the next year.
She seemed to really care about my progress.
That was my time in Orvieto---
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