My 4 weeks here have just gone by so fast--- I'm the last one from my class still in school this this week I had one-on-one instruction. I can finally announce that I can put a sentence together, however I sound like a toddler.
I can say I go to, I eat-- the basic. I'm so happy last week I was not so happy about my lack of speaking.
I was talking about this with Vincenzo on night and he had to help me understand that my ability to speak will not happen over night. Then he listed the good thing that I can do in one short month.
1. I can look at headlines in the newspaper (gionale) and with my dictionary understand.
2. I have learned many new words and understand most of what people say to me in Italian
3. I have lived, shopped and traveled around Italy for a month using what Italian I know
4. I now understand the structure of an Italian Sentence.
He was right I have only been here 1 mesa (1 month). I have done well.
Poor Gail arrived today after a very long flight from Alaska. She is here but her bag's are not. The Airline has promised them to her today.
Good news she got her bags today.
Tonight we went to a little Jazz bar. You buy one drink for 12 Euro and you get to snack on the most heavenly treats.

After we head to the center of Florence but were stopped by a group of American kids in Tux's playing the violin. They were from Charlotte VA. They were trying to get people to attend their concert. So we did, one kid thank us. It was in old church with high ceiling, the sound was great. They were really good. Next Friday a group of student from my home town will be playing, I'm sorry I will miss it. It was a nice way to end my last night in Florence.
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