Next stop was Murano island a short water taxi ride from the man drag in Venzia. Ok I did love shopping here. Each shop the glass artist??? I guess that is what you would call them work was stunning. I wish I could have purchased one large vase but --- that would mean I would have to move some fabric to make room. Many of the shops you could not take pictures and I really wanted to respect the artist wishes but many people were trying to take photos of their windows.
As I walked down the street looking in all the window I decided to stop in one shop that no one was in and the glass amazing. It wasn't so much the class but what he did the pieces that made them different.
Marco was his name had taken his glass work put put a different twist on it. I love a artist that think outside the box. I will add pictures of his work later I have packed and if I attempt to open my suitcase it will explode.
He was so nice we just talked about his work and the process all the time he kept going to the back room and bring more out for me to see. Items that he was still working on it was like a private showing of his work. How lucky was I. I loved talking with hearing how he works with the glass and how each piece is one of a kind ( that is what most shop say, but you walk to the next one and that same piece is there) Marco said that was still made in the basic process of Glass work but is is mass produced. He also said that he could make more money if he worked that way but he loved the creative process of each piece that he worked with being unique--- and that is why I feel in love with his work. His creative soul was exposed for the sake of his ART.
After spend and hour in his shop--- shopping he said that he enjoyed talking with me and gave me a small gift to go with the ring and necklace-- a pair of earrings
more pics
So this is the wonder full island of Murano known for it amazing Glass work.

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