Last weekend I went to met one of my online friends from a great language site called If you were thinking about spending $500 on Rosetta Stone (RS, like I did) look here first. The great thing about the site is that you can connect with native speakers. Just like all websites there is a free version and a paid version--- still way cheaper that RS. With the paid for version you can read text in your language of choice and a native speaker will correct your pronunciation and written text. But the best part it it works like Skype you can call a native speaker and talk------That is how I met Fernando who can down to Florence and cooked dinner one night in my apartment and Vincenzo from Milano
Last weekend I was invited for the day to Milano to meet Vincenzo and his wife. Now I met Vincenzo the night before the Supper Bowl and he was a Green Bay fan----need I say more. I was humble on Monday to give him shout-out on the victory.
So I took the train to Venice on friday---more about that in the next blog. Saturday morning I took the tain to Milano for the day. It was great we spoke and mixture of italian/english what great fun. We walked around town saw some of the same sites I saw talked politics, religion, ne movien to Milano, (HA, HA) but the converstion was rich. We talked about work and living in a big city, he wanted to know more about living in Alaska. Then he asked the big question, " Natalie( he say's it so cute) why do you live in Alaska??????????????? Well, hmmmmmmmmm lol. I'm still thing about that and I told him I would get back to him when my Italian was better-----REALLY
We went to lunch (when you are in Milano you have to have Risotto) OMG----------------- it was amazing-- I wish I could have stopped eating to take a picture but I will be dreaming about Risotto for a very long time.
After lunch we did the very Italian thing we walked around and just happend to end up a Gelatoria--- I had to order for everyone in Italian---- I didn't do so bad. The day ended with them putting me back on the train to Venice.
It was a wonderful day that I will never forget--- I feel like I have family in Milano I could not get them to want to come to Alaska---- guess that means I have to go back to Milano
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
It is sooooooo#$#$!#@$%#@$#@ Hot

Do you really want to know HOW @#$$%%HOT it is here in Florence----- Well let me tell you. I'm an Alaskan Girl when it is above 70 I just can't think. So here it is over, let me say waaaaaaaayy over 75 and I can' think let alone learn a new language.
So I'm going to put it this way--- I know how the WWOTW
(Wicked Witch of The West) felt when she said I"M MELTING----------------------------------------------
Spending time with the Great David

Fiesole is a pretty town in the hills outside of Florence. Long time ago it was where the rich had their weekend homes. This small town that is less than 20 away from central Florence. Fiesol was first settled buy the Etruscan , then controled by Romans whoose ruins are still standing today , and view of Florence that will leave you speechless.
To get to Fiesole you just take the number 7 bus and there you are. Look at the view of Florence. I hope to go back to see the sunset over the city.

Located in Fiesole is a Roman Amphitheater, during the summers now it is where outdoor concerts are held in the hills of Fiesole. Located above the amphitheater is a Museo Civico Archeologic that houses collection of Etruscans dating back to the 8 centyr BC, Romans, Longbards and more.

Here I am sitting on stairs that were built by the Etruscians than used in a temple by the Romans---- I love histstoy.
After leaving the Museo we climbe the began the long walk up via di San Francesco a steep hill that is well worth the view.

Let me tell you the walk down was nothing compared to the walk up. After walking down we had lunch at one of the outdoor cafe.
It was great day in the hill town of Fiesole.

Kindel vs Nook
I have a Kindel that I just loved, but I got excited with the Nook Table and the touch screen and I Know---- I should have just got a iPad. Before I left I loaded a few books onto my Nook--- All were wonderful---The Scenic Route, The Vintage Affair and Botticelli Secret-- all amazing. So I wanted to load another book by Marina Fiotato author of Boticelli Secret and an guide to Venice----
Well it can't be done from my location. REALLY
So I guess my little sweet Kindel that wanted to come to Italy is at home feeling pretty good about my problem-- I also have to say that the battery life is very short on the NOOK too. So lesson learn you should never turn you back on an old friend. Next year I will have my iPad and my Kindel-- this mean that Nancy (my sister will not be getting my Kindel, sorry)
I tried to read a paper book last night and the lighting was so bad.
Well it can't be done from my location. REALLY
So I guess my little sweet Kindel that wanted to come to Italy is at home feeling pretty good about my problem-- I also have to say that the battery life is very short on the NOOK too. So lesson learn you should never turn you back on an old friend. Next year I will have my iPad and my Kindel-- this mean that Nancy (my sister will not be getting my Kindel, sorry)
I tried to read a paper book last night and the lighting was so bad.
Best of Tuscany 2

After the lovely lunch at the Cheese farm we headed to Pienza a small town that was built by Pope Pius II according the ideas of High Renaissance--- Now this Pope had a sight off center sense of humor. He names streets Fortune, Love, Marriage and divorce. We all wanted to walk down the street of good fortune and up the street of love, but out tour guide who has had 3 wives took is down the street of divorce. Sigh-----------------------
After walking down the street of Divorce we got a whole 20 minutes to walk around and shop---- 20 minutes now I know why this man was on his 3rd wife---- REALLY it took us 20 minutes to find the store and 3 women shopping together, REALLY
After the 20 minute shopping adventure we were back on the bus heading to Montalcino for out last wine tasteing ( I think that is why we only had 20 minutes the guide needed a drink.
Montalcino sits on a hill that was settled in the Etruscan times. Now for some more wine history to share with your friends-------- Brunello di Monalcino is a red wine that is produced inthe wineyards surroundin the town. Bruello means "nice dark one". It is aged in oak barrels for 3 years and laer 18 months in bottle.

The winery was Santa Giulia it was spectacular not just the wine but the location-- and the food they serves was amazing

( remember married 3 times, needed a drink, and took us down the street of divorce)
The wine at this vineyard got better with each variety.

What a wonderful kitchen!!!!!!

Side note: Santa Giulia can not be purcased in the States, he is looking for a distibutur what a shame.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Best of Tuscany----- Part 1

I know I have been MIA, time is just flying by. I went on a day trip to Tuscany the first weekend I was in Florence---- Under the Tuscan Sun, love that movie--- but if you read my first post you know that I will not be drinking any more Limonchello, LOL.
First Stop of the day was Montepuliciano, can you say Wine Country. For all you Twilight Fans out there Montepuliciano is where where the second book "New Moon was shot, when Bella and Alice were speeding down the winding road. Enough of that Twilight stuff. Montepuliano is also the place where they filmed Under the Tuscan Sun. Just and insider note you know that fountain in the movie--- not part of the square it was built just for the movie.
Here we are in wince country so we did a little wine tasting. Nobile di Montepuliciano Wine tasting at Cantina Crocini. Good news it just arrived in Alaska this weekend. What I learned when buying an Italian wine look for a pink band arouns the neck of the bottle. The has D.O.C.G it means that the produces mainly from the Sangiovese Grosso Grape ( minimum 70%) it is then agged in oak barrels for 2 years, 3 if it is reseval and 1 year in the bottle. Just a little information for you to use at your next wine tasting party.
Next, stop was lunch at a cheese farm

We had a how to make cheese 101 lesson by these men. The demo was followed by lunch and tasting of 8 cheeses and more wine.

It was a great traditional Tuscan Lunch and we were served by the handsome men that worked the farm. I took a movie it is not great but you can watch the process of making Riccotta Cheese--- and when it was finished we served it warm with honey---- OMG it was amazing.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A Note on Traveling Alone

Why do we think that we can only travel in a group, family or with friends. I think of all the years I have wasted waiting for my friends or family to visit the places I have dreamed about. I was born with a suitcase in my hand--- So here is the truth to why I'm in Italy----- I love to travel but traveling alone, like going to the movies alone makes us feel like we are lonely--- which is a very bad word in America. Last year I took myself to the movies to see Eat, Love Pray, (after reading the book-- I do LOVE Julia Roberts, I think we would be great friends) during the movie when she decided to go to Italy, India and Bali, it got me thinking. Going to school, I would meet people and not be alone. Thank you to Elizabeth Gilbert, and my girl Julia that is why I'm in Italy.
I'm in ITALY for 6 weeks. Let me say that again, I Natalie Moten, took myself to Italy and I am having the time of my life. I would have missed this if I would have waited for someone to travel with. I am not alone nor am I lonely in Italy. In fact I have too many thing to do with my friends that have also taken themselves to Italy.
I have met wonderful travelers, Ceclia and Carolina from Sweden, Hans from Holland, Michelle from the Big Apple, Osshi for Scotland just to name a few---- we are all in school learning Italian and exploring this wonderful country.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
"Milano, Milano", the man said Milano

Saturday I spent the day in Miliano, if you have every been to New York city than you know Milano. I love the Big Apple minus Donald Trump, lol. Before I share what I saw here is a little information about Milano:
Population: Approximately 1,310,000 in the city. It is the 10th largest business and finance center. Highest paid employees in Italy.

The Duomo
The Gothic Catheral took five centuries to complete and is the fourth largest church in the world. I is dedicated to Santa Maria Nascente and is the seat of the Archbishop of Milano.

One of the amazing stain glass windows. Perched atop the Duomo sits the city's protector Madonnina (Little Madonna). There is a law which states that no modern building can be taller than the Madonnina. It is said that during soccer matches fans go to the piazza and chant "o Mia Bella Munnnia" in hopes of being granted a win.
Next we went to the Teatro La Scala that sits in the middle of Milan's hostoric city center, it is the most important Opera House and a symblo recognized all ove the world. I didn't get a picture of it, but the inside was amazing. In side the opera house they were rehearsing a new Germany Opera.

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
A covered glass double-arcade, it sits on the northern side of the Piazza del Duomo which also connect the Piazza della Scala. It has an arching glass and cast-iron archway which was fashioned after the popular 19th century designs that can be seen across Europe. It was named after Vittoria Emanuele II who was the first King that united Italy.
The Catholic University designed by Leonardo da Vinci---

do I have to say any more.
The last place we were to visit was Naviglio a canal that was constructed in 1177 to 1257. As we stood at the best gelato place in Milano it began to rain, then it began to pour, then in the mist of all that hail fell from the sky--- so we waited and many orderd more gelato--- an when the rain let up just enough for us to run to the bus we did and we were on our way back to Florence.
Tommorow Tuscany
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Morning Coffee

My day starts with 2 hours of Italian language and grammar. We then take a 20 minute break to go get coffee. This is the owner of the shop we visit everyday.
We are served our coffee in real coffee cups-----do you believe that no paper cups, no coffee to go. We stand and talk to the people in the shop. Going to the coffee shop makes us take the 20 minutes we are give to walk away and give our minds a break.
After our break we go back for our 2nd two hour session. Our school day ends at 12:50. The rest of the day is our to sight see just hangout.
Walking to School

I can't believe that I have been here one full week. I am in love with Italy. If I have wrote this post last week I would have thought that I could live in Florence for the rest of my life but that is no longer true.
Here are the amazing site I see everyday as I walk to school.

It has been raining on and off since I have been here. The first clearn morning as was walking over the bridge I saw a rainbow.
It cleared up just long enough for me to take these pictures than it continued to rain off and on the rest of the day. In Florence a little rain does not stop anything---- People still shopped and walked the streets look at the sites

Quilt Shop: Agomago

Well I found a quilt shop, YEAH. To my surprise they carried fabric that I had not seen at home. The larges line was a line of Japanese fabric that is used a lot in the French Quilt Magazine QuiltMaina ( I think). All of it was wonder deep rich indigo's and Soft Taupe's I touched them all and had a few in my hands but I put them back, I know I can always go back.

The inside of the shop was very nice they carried thread, yarn and trims.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Camminare a Firenze (Walking in Florence
Today was another wonderful day in Firenze. It rained most of the day and when I say rain it poured. Italy is have strange weather just like we are in the states, so Al Gore this is something going on with Global warming.
Today Italian class was hard not so much the lesson, but just the way the teacher was teaching. All you teachers out there you know what I'm saying. Teachers are the worst students because we know how we teach so that all students can learn. So let's just say I hit frustration level with her today and kinda shut down. I have a lot of home work to do tonight but I think I got it---so let's just say the text we are using is not that great.
After class Hans ( Hans is from Holland. He is here learning the language and culture so he can be a better boyfriend to his Italian girlfriend). Hans and I went to the phone store to get an phone that works in Europe. Some of you out there know how much I hate my cell phone-- I just hope I remember to charge it (lol). After getting the phone we went to get ticket to the "Galleria degi Uffizi to see Disegni da Fra'Angelico a Leonardo tomorrow and at the Galleria dell'Accademia Lorenso Bartolini he was a sculptor, then to a nice dinner Hans is in charge of dinner reservations.
After all that Hans and I found an amazing book store we each got some children's book to help us with our Italian once we get home---- smart idea right. By this time we had walked miles again we each said our goodbyes and headed home to tackle our home work.

People let me tell you if you make one wrong turn and you are lost, LOL. But when you are lost you find great thing. Today I found the BIGGEST Meringue in the world see the picture. I had to buy one. They also sold Lemon Cello which I had last night.
I learned I was an american, I asked the sales person was I to mix it with something because it was strong. She laugh and asked how much did I drink---- enough that I went to sleep, well that was toooooo much. You are to have a small sip after dinner, I was following the bigger the better Texas rule number 1.
I added a few pictures from the day. I did go to the quilt shop I'll share that tomorrow
Day 2 and still no dancing, but my feet feel like they have been
Today Italian class was hard not so much the lesson, but just the way the teacher was teaching. All you teachers out there you know what I'm saying. Teachers are the worst students because we know how we teach so that all students can learn. So let's just say I hit frustration level with her today and kinda shut down. I have a lot of home work to do tonight but I think I got it---so let's just say the text we are using is not that great.
After class Hans ( Hans is from Holland. He is here learning the language and culture so he can be a better boyfriend to his Italian girlfriend). Hans and I went to the phone store to get an phone that works in Europe. Some of you out there know how much I hate my cell phone-- I just hope I remember to charge it (lol). After getting the phone we went to get ticket to the "Galleria degi Uffizi to see Disegni da Fra'Angelico a Leonardo tomorrow and at the Galleria dell'Accademia Lorenso Bartolini he was a sculptor, then to a nice dinner Hans is in charge of dinner reservations.
After all that Hans and I found an amazing book store we each got some children's book to help us with our Italian once we get home---- smart idea right. By this time we had walked miles again we each said our goodbyes and headed home to tackle our home work.

People let me tell you if you make one wrong turn and you are lost, LOL. But when you are lost you find great thing. Today I found the BIGGEST Meringue in the world see the picture. I had to buy one. They also sold Lemon Cello which I had last night.

I learned I was an american, I asked the sales person was I to mix it with something because it was strong. She laugh and asked how much did I drink---- enough that I went to sleep, well that was toooooo much. You are to have a small sip after dinner, I was following the bigger the better Texas rule number 1.
I added a few pictures from the day. I did go to the quilt shop I'll share that tomorrow
Day 2 and still no dancing, but my feet feel like they have been
The biggest Meringue in the world!!!
Today was another wonderful day in Firenze. It rained most of the day and when I say rain it poured. Italy is have strange weather just like we are in the states, so Al Gore this is something going on with Globle warming.
Today Italian class was hard no so much the lesson but just the way the teacher was teaching and all you teachers out there you know what I'm saying. Teachers are the worst students because we know how we teach so that all students can learn. So let's just say I hit frustration level with her today and kinda shut down. I had a lot of home work to do tonight but I think I got it---so let's just say the text we are using is not that great.
After class Hans ( Hans is from Holland. He is here learning the language and culture so he can be a better boyfriend to his Italian girlfriend). Hans and I went to the phone store to get an phone that works here. Some of you out there know how much I hate my cell phone-- I just hope I remember to charge it (lol). After getting the phone we went to get ticket to the "Galleria degi Uffizi to see Disegni da Fra'Angelico a Leonardo tomorrow and at the Galleria dell'Accademia Lorenso Bartolini he was a sculptor, then to a nice dinner. Hans is picking the place.
After all that Hans and I found an amazing book store we each got some childerens book to help us with our Italian once we get home---- smart idea right. By this time we had walked miles again we each said our goodbyes and headed home to tackel our home work.
People let me tell you if you make one wrong turn and you are lost, LOL. But when you are lost you find great thing. Today I found the BIGGEST Meringue in the world see the picuture. I had to buy one. They also sold Lemon Cello which I had last night.
I learned I was an american, I asked the sales person was I to mix it with something because it was strong. She laugh and asked how much did I drink---- enough that I went to sleep, well that was toooooo much. You are to have a small sip after dinner, I was following the bigger the better Texas rule number 1.
I added a few pictures from the day. I did go to the quilt shop I'll share that tomorrow
Day 2 and still no dancing, but my feet feel like they have been
Today Italian class was hard no so much the lesson but just the way the teacher was teaching and all you teachers out there you know what I'm saying. Teachers are the worst students because we know how we teach so that all students can learn. So let's just say I hit frustration level with her today and kinda shut down. I had a lot of home work to do tonight but I think I got it---so let's just say the text we are using is not that great.
After class Hans ( Hans is from Holland. He is here learning the language and culture so he can be a better boyfriend to his Italian girlfriend). Hans and I went to the phone store to get an phone that works here. Some of you out there know how much I hate my cell phone-- I just hope I remember to charge it (lol). After getting the phone we went to get ticket to the "Galleria degi Uffizi to see Disegni da Fra'Angelico a Leonardo tomorrow and at the Galleria dell'Accademia Lorenso Bartolini he was a sculptor, then to a nice dinner. Hans is picking the place.
After all that Hans and I found an amazing book store we each got some childerens book to help us with our Italian once we get home---- smart idea right. By this time we had walked miles again we each said our goodbyes and headed home to tackel our home work.
People let me tell you if you make one wrong turn and you are lost, LOL. But when you are lost you find great thing. Today I found the BIGGEST Meringue in the world see the picuture. I had to buy one. They also sold Lemon Cello which I had last night.
I learned I was an american, I asked the sales person was I to mix it with something because it was strong. She laugh and asked how much did I drink---- enough that I went to sleep, well that was toooooo much. You are to have a small sip after dinner, I was following the bigger the better Texas rule number 1.
I added a few pictures from the day. I did go to the quilt shop I'll share that tomorrow
Day 2 and still no dancing, but my feet feel like they have been
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sono arrivato in Italia!!! I have arrived in Italy

Sono arrivato a Firenze.
Yes, the flight from Anchorage to Frankfurt was not bad, 3 movies and the food was great. From Frankfurt to Rome was fine, however I got delayed in Rome because of heavy rains in Firenze.
Today was the first day of school. My roomate is very cute she is Japnesse so her english is not that great. She gave me directions to school and she got her left and right mixed up. So the walk to school that should have taken 30 minutes took 3 hours. Yes 3 hours and two illegal rides on the bus. Keep this in mind when you travel to Firenze, the Bus drivers don't know where anything is ask the women that sit in the front of the bus and they will get you on your way.
So the first day was a little stressful---- but great.
I also wen shopping--- not for fabric but I did fins a cute store as I walked the wrong direction this morning--- so I could not be made at my roommate.
I also went food shopping here is what I got:
Greek Yogurt
3 bottles of wine
1 bottle of limon Cello (Under the Tuscan Sun)
Antipasto Misto ( copa, proscuutto crudo stagionato)
chicken, that went directly into the Freezer, lol
At frist when I got home and upacked I thought I can't make a dinner out of this but I did see the pictures.
So no dancing tonight my feet are killing me I think I tried to walk in every pair of shoes I own, we Alaska just don't know how to walk---- I think I walked 10 miles today---
Ciao Bella
Not yet dancing in Italy
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